Around Town
Colorado Home and Garden Show
Metamorphing Interiors was selected to staged the Metrolist booth for the 2012 Colorado Home and Garden Show.
Mile High YPN (Young Professional Network)
Metamorphing Interiors is an active member of the local YPN chapter which holds social, volunteer and educational events for REALTORS and Affiliates on a regular basis.
March 2011
Realtor Rally Colorado Convention Center
Visit Metamorphing Interiors and the Colorado IRIS Chapter at the Rally!
2010 & 2011
President of the Denver IRIS Chapter
Our chapter meets the third Wednesday of each month at various locations arouond Denver that help support and educate stagers and their businesses.
Certified home stagers and redesigners are encouraged to visit our chapter.
March 13 2010
Realtor Rally Colorado Convention Center
I will be participating in the ‘Staged to Sell' competition at this years Realtor Rally. Furniture sponsors will provide furniture and accessories for 8 local stagers to interpret. Click here to read the participants interviews.
I chose to design with clean lines, while keeping the colors connected.
2010/ 2011/ 2012
MDRF REALTOR Rally, Colorado Convention Center
MDRF Metro Denver Realtor Foundation Booth at Realtor Rally 2010 & 2011 & 2012
See the tree and donation house Metamorphing Interiors built for this years Realtor Rally Booth!
The booth made a huge impact for the foundation and raised money to support their causes.
October 18/19 2009
Colorado Association of Realtors Convention Colorado Springs
Visit me at the I.R.I.S. (Interior Redesign Indusrty Specialist) booth.
September 24/26 2009
I.R.I.S. Conference Golden
I.R.I.S. (Interior Redesign Industry Specialist) is the international association for stagers and redesigners. The Confrence is open to certified and non-certified persons interested in the design industry.
September 19/20 2009
I created an Italian themed tablescape that took 2nd place in the chef demonstration tent. Goodwill gave six participants a $40 giftcard to Goodwill stores that were used to purchase all decorations for the table. Thank you for your votes, the winner was awarded the complete set of decorations.